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Do I need to book the Gym in advance?

No - but you can book your gym appointments via the app and website.  

Will Gym Instructors be available to support me if I require help? 

Yes, the gym team will be available to assist. Feel Well programme reviews are still available and videos of our Xcite Options are now available to watch online.

How do I book an appointment with the gym team?

You can book a phone consultation or a ‘face to face' Feel Well review. The quickest and easiest way to do this is via the WLL Xcite App or online.

I have lost my key for the gym

We recommend you download the My Wellness App to access your gym workout. You can alternatively purchase a band from Reception.

Will all gym kit be available to use? 

Yes, all gym equipment is available. If you cannot find a piece of kit then please speak to the Xcite Team who will be able to provide you with an alternative exercise.

How do I download the My Wellness App? 

Before downloading the My Wellness app please ensure you have created a My Wellness account. If you are a current member please speak with a member of the gym team who can inform you how to do this. If you are a new member, you can register at and then download the My Wellness app from your app store. 

Is there any support for using the My Wellness App? 

We have a tutorial video on the MyWellness app that can be found here. Our gym team are also on hand to assist you. 

Can my personalised gym programme be updated? 

You can book a phone consultation or a ‘face to face' Feel Well review. The quickest and easiest way to do this is via the WLL Xcite App or online.

Can I still receive a health MOT (Tanita)? 

Yes, the Tanita is still available to use. Please speak to the Gym team when you visit for more details.  

How do I access Xcite Options? 

We have 7 Xcite Options available on our website. You can access them here.  

My medical history has changed since the last time I used the gym. What should I do? 

If your medical history has changed since your last gym visit, please book in for either a phone consultation appointment or face to face Feel Well review with a member of our gym team. Find out how to book here.