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Lynn had always been an active sporty person but due to an injury and a hip operation, she was unable to train and gained 2 stone in weight. Lynn found it hard to get back in to training but took the jump in July 2018 and returned to Xcite Bathgate. With the help of Suzanne and the Gym Instructors, Lynn managed to change her lifestyle all together. She made a conscious decision to change her eating habits and trained twice a day along with participating in spin classes.

By the end of the Summer, Lynn had lost over a stone in weight! To help Lynn reach her fitness goals and keep her motivated, she has now signed up to cycle 66 miles around Loch Ness in the closed road Loch Ness Etape in support of McMillian Cancer.

"I feel so much better both mentally and physically now that I am back exercising regularly and long may it continue! Who knows, next stop could be Tour de France!"

Well done and good luck to Lynn!