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Lauren Williamson 



3LiftsCoaching is a bespoke strength and conditioning service for all levels. Whether you are just starting out and looking to learn the basics of lifting and gain some muscle mass or  you are looking to lift in more depth or even start lifting competitively. 

My name is Lauren and you may have recognise me if you attend Xcite Bathgate being on the gym floor as a gym instructor for over 3 years, helping all levels of gym goers. 3 Lifts covers Squat, Bench and deadlift which are  the main lifts implemented in training (not solely all the lifts but general consensus). 3Lifts main focus is to help you reach YOUR goals with tailored programming through the MyStrengthBook App and feedback. 

Lifting weights in the gym shouldn’t be something feared, instead it should help you feel more confident and empowered. Lifting changed my life and I would love to give back the same feeling it gives me to others. 


Interested in booking a PT session with Lauren or would like more information? 

Complete our short form below
